
My name is Jacek Królikowski, I studied Computer Science at the University of Warsaw and worked as a software engineer at Microsoft and a number of startups (including my own) in London and Warsaw.

I enjoy having a broad understanding of engineering (software and otherwise), but I specialise in the back end side of things, especially using Erlang/Elixir. I’m passionate about functional programming, resilient system design, and using the right tool for the job at hand.

I’m always happy to chat about software engineering, maker culture, dawless music making, and BJJ.

Wanna get in touch? Send an email to nietaki(at)gmail(d0t)com or try an appropriate link from the footer ;) I’m also available for contract work - send me an email if you if you have a project you think I might be able to help you with.

Why “almost done”?

Back when I first created the blog I had a nasty habit of starting projects and abandoning them once I solved the hard part of the problem :D

I have since made a point of finishing what I started, so now I like to think of “almost done” as a metaphor for a software project’s life cycle. To misquote Bjarne Stroustrup:

The only truly finished projects are the ones nobody uses